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COVID-19 Update: Phase One Church Re-opening

Washington UBF

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

In compliance with all local, state and CDC regulations, our church is currently operating its services online. For more information on joining our Sunday Worship Services, Group Bible Studies, and/or one-to-one Bible Studies, please fill out the contact form to receive the Zoom link.

A note from our pastor:

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Thank God for protecting each one of us through this unprecedented global pandemic. I pray God may have grown our faith and our yearning for His heavenly kingdom during this time. I miss all of you and hope and pray that you too are eager for the day when we can come back and worship God as a church together. 

As you know our church board members have met several times to discuss and pray over our safe reopening in accordance with all guidelines set forth by the CDC and state and local officials. In making these plans we believe we have considered both our spiritual needs (need for worship together) and our physical needs (a safe and proper way to do so). Therefore, please find the plans below.We greatly welcome feedback (please submit this to your fellowship leader or to me or a board member personally) as these are tentative plans and subject to change depending on how the situation unfolds. Most of all we ask your prayers for God's wisdom, protection and guidance as we move forward. 

The reopening of the church will be done gradually and in phases. At this time, we can find phase one below. As the situation gets better we will move to phase two and three if needed. 

Phase One

  • Phase one will begin with Sunday Worship Service only. No other group meetings allowed (fellowship meetings, CBF, youth group etc.) during phase one. 

  • Start date: We are monitoring the situation and tentatively plan to open two weeks after PG county lifts the stay at home order and after all preparations have been made for a safe environment. 

  • There will be a maximum number of 15 people allowed to worship together at church during phase one. This includes the messenger, presider, praise leader, pastor (if not delivering message that week) and support person. 

  • During phase one it is strongly recommended that all CBF children, people with underlying health issues and compromised immune systems, people over 60 years of age, healthcare workers and their families and those undergoing 2-week self-quarantine because of travel worship at home through zoom. In addition, anyone who does not feel comfortable in coming to worship at church may continue to worship through zoom as well during phase one. 

Worship Procedures

  • Those wishing to attend Sunday worship at church during phase one should sign up in advance (the procedure to do this will be clarified later)

  • Temperature will be checked before entering the building

  • Masks are required for Sunday worship during phase one. It is suggested you bring your own mask though if you come without one you will be given one. Gloves are also recommended during phase one

  • Attendants should sanitize their hands before entering and when leaving the sanctuary

  • Doors to the church and sanctuary will be propped open so nobody needs to touch any handles. No offering plate will be passed. No hymn books will be used. 

  • Strict social distancing and assigned seating will be adhered to in the sanctuary. 

  • Those gathered at church should hum with their masks on instead of singing

  • Bathrooms should be used only in case of emergency during phase one and should be cleaned afterwards. Kitchen is also not to be used and no lunch will be provided during phase one. 

We believe these guidelines when adhered to will significantly minimize anyone's risk when attending the worship service at our church. Therefore, if anyone is not willing or able to abide by them they should continue to worship through zoom and will be subject to being dismissed for the sake of other's safety. Attending the worship service in itself is a personal decision just as visiting the grocery store, Home Depot, Popeyes fried chicken, Costco, the park, the gym or anywhere else. While we believe the risk is relatively low if we abide by these guidelines, all attendants must acknowledge this.  I look forward to the day we can worship together without any restrictions, I encourage you to please continually pray for that day to come! In the meanwhile, feel free to share any feedback or concerns with your fellowship leader, pastor or a board member. May God help us worship Him in Spirit and Truth always. May He be pleased with us.  In Christ, Phillip

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