After three years, it was so good to worship together in person with all the east coast chapters (Albany, Boston, Catonsville, Columbia, Delaware, GMU, Lehigh, New York Queens, NYU Seed, Philadelphia, Shippensburg, Trenton, Washington)! Regardless of where we are in our faith, one of our greatest needs is to encounter the living God. This weekend, we learned that Jesus is the living water and the only one who can satisfy us (Jn 4:1-26). We were challenged to reflect on if we love God "more than these" (Jn 21:15-25). And lastly, we must build a strong foundation of faith by having the discipline to meditate on God's word daily (Jn 7:21-29).
Thank you to all those who attended and worked hard to prepare for this conference. We hope to see you again next year!