During this past weekend, six other chapters in the mid-atlantic region (Baltimore I, Northern Baltimore, Delaware, George Mason, Shippensburg, Tampa & Washington) joined us for a conference. The theme was “The Power of God.” On Friday evening, An*drew Forbes spoke on 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. Now matter how much we search, there is nothing in this world that can satisfy us. It is through the message of the cross that we can experience true freedom and the power of God in our lives. On Saturday Morning, Phi*lip Won spoke on John 11:1-44. Many of us may know about the resurrection power of Jesus, yet are still lying in the tomb wrapped with our sins and fears. Jesus calls out to us and invites us to resurrect our spirit to live a life that brings glory to God. On Saturday Evening, Tom*my Pham spoke on Acts 3:1-16. Just like how the name of Jesus healed the lame beggar, it also has the ability to transform our lives. On Sunday, Dan*iel Lee spoke on 1 Corinthians 15:35-58. When we die to ourselves, we are resurrected with Jesus. Let us participate in His sufferings because it is through Jesus that we are victorious. Please pray that the mid-atlantic region may witness the power of God and live a new life in Christ through His power.