In compliance with all local, state and CDC regulations, our church is currently operating its services online. For more information on joining our Sunday Worship Services, Group Bible Studies, and/or one-to-one Bible Studies, please fill out the contact form to receive the Zoom link.
Note from our Pastor:
On August 1, 2020, Prince George’s County revised Phase 2 limiting gatherings to a maximum of 50 persons and allowing Houses of Worship to expand indoor services to 50% capacity with the necessary safeguards. The Board of the church has created the guidelines below to best balance its members health and as well as provide a prudent way to both utilize and manage the church building that God has given us and offer in person worship service again in a safe as way as possible.
The church building is open for use for our members. However, in order to limit public use the doors will remain locked at all times for now. If you would like to use the building and don’t have a key please let me know. We ask that all members using the church building during the week please note and follow the guidelines below:
There will be a signup sheet in each room available for use. Please sign up using the signup sheet and clean any surfaces (wipes will be provided) both before and after you use them. The wipes to do so are set to arrive on Wednesday.
If using the church during the week please use the bathrooms in the new extension. The bathrooms as well as the sanctuary in the old building will remain closed except on Sunday.
All other rooms in the new extension will be closed except for the bathrooms. There will be a lock on each of the doors. This is done to limit the cleaning and any exposure that our fellowships have to do on a weekly basis.
We are currently still in phase one of our church reopening. This means that our Sunday service is currently open for a maximum of 15 participants including all servants (presider, messenger, zoom operator, praise team etc.). Due to the limited number of participants one must register in order to attend the service. A registration page will be sent to all members this week and every following week. The following guidelines will be enforced in adherence to all safety precautions:
Temperature will be checked before entering the building. If you have a fever you will asked to return home and worship.
Masks are required for Sunday worship. It is suggested you bring your own mask though if you come without one you will be given one. Gloves are also recommended during phase one
Attendants should sanitize their hands both before entering and when leaving the sanctuary. Hand sanitizer will be provided.
Doors to the church and sanctuary will be propped open so nobody needs to touch any handles. No offering plate will be passed. No hymn books will be used.
Strict social distancing and assigned seating will be adhered to in the sanctuary.
Those gathered at church should hum with their masks on instead of singing as per state regulations
We ask those who are sick as well as those who may be at high risk (the immune compromised and elderly) to please continue to worship at home for now.
Bathrooms should be used only in case of emergency during phase one and should be cleaned afterwards. Kitchen is also not to be used and no lunch will be provided during phase one.
Phase Two of our reopening will allow us to expand the number of onsite worshippers from 15 to 25. This number still allows us to keep the recommended social distancing space suggested by health officials. All regulations and safety practices from phase one will continue to be strictly adhered. To coincide with the start of the fall semester we are targeting the date of August 30th to begin phase two. Zoom services will continue to be offered to all who are unable or not comfortable to join in person services. Outside of Sunday worship service all other meetings and ministries will continue to be run through zoom until otherwise noted.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the re-opening (either usage of the building or Sunday service) please contact me or a board member directly. Please continue to pray for both our safe and proper re-opening as well as faith in Jesus Christ (Lk 18:8) to continually overcome all fear and anxiety regarding the virus and pandemic.
In Christ,