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COVID-19 Update: New Stricter Measures Starting Nov. 22, 2020

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

Note from our Pastor:

Dear all,

As you may have heard, PG county has enacted much tighter measures to deal with the rising number of coronavirus cases in the area. From this Sunday, no more than 8 people may gather and worship in our sanctuary according to the restrictions put in place by the county. This is a temporary measure and hopefully we can go back to what we had previously within a few weeks and eventually back to normal as the vaccine comes out in the next several months. For now, the following essential servants will be allowed to join:

Messenger (1 person)

Announcer (1 person, when Pastor Phillip doesn't deliver message)

Praise team (2 people)

Presider (1 person)

Zoom Operator (1 person)

Offering pickup servant (1 person)

Temperature checker (1 person)

In Christ,


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